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Business and Corporate Program


Healthy employees equate to a reduction in absenteeism, less money spent on health care costs and ultimately a better, more profitable business.   

So, investing a small amount to help keep your staff well will help ensure the success of your company. An easy way to directly contribute to the well-being of your employees is through an effective fitness program.

Many employers and employees

 are now viewing "corporate wellness" as the new essential component to their compensation plans. But, traditional means of providing this benefit can be costly. Nutrition Plus Personal Training LLC. corporate wellness programs are extremely affordable while also being very effective, convenient and educational.

Losses of $32 billion per year

are related to premature illness associated with cardiovascular disease - high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and obesity. Every year billions of dollars in productivity are lost as a result of employee sickness and disability. The average annual healthcare cost per person in the U.S. is more than $3,000. Preventable illness makes up approximately 70% of the total costs of illness.

Because many of these costs

 are directly linked to health habits, employers can take aggressive action toward containing costs by implementing corporate wellness programs. 

The cost of poor health to corporate America and what you can do about it.

                       We Can Help!

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